Register now for the Allied Media Conference


I’m working on the How-To Track of the Allied Media Conference this year.
There are already a lot of exciting things in the works for it. I’ve been working on a hands-on project to refurbish and build media workstations using Free/Libre/Open Source software during the conference. I’ve also been talking about developing a session to use mobile technologies to mobilize people to act quickly to do things like respond to foreclosure evictions. Finally, I’m always excited about how the AMC respects and prioritizes even the youngest participants with the kids track.

This year’s AMC is going to blow your mind.
I’m writing to ask you to register early, at the $100 level, and help us organize the best conference possible.
I also encourage you to propose a session, whether or not you can lead it. What do you want to see happen at this year’s AMC?

Register here:
Propose a session here:
Read the vision statement for the 2009 AMC, We Are Ready Now, here:

I hope to see you in Detroit,


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