We get a lot of messages from people asking us if we can play shows in certain places at certain times. Because we’re often unsure of our tour plans and because there’s a lot of these messages, we can’t write back to people in a lot of cases. We do read and save the messages and try to write back to people when we think we’re going to be coming near the places that they mentioned. We usually post our tour plans to the front page of the website, so the best time to write is when the dates posted seem like they’re in your general area.

the band : defianceohio@terrorware.com (for booking, distro info, general communications, etc.)

bz : ho_opastank@yahoo.com

geoff: geoff@terrorware.com

ryan: ryanwoods77@hotmail.com

sherri: miller2477@yahoo.com

theo: theo.hilton@gmail.com

will: willylump_lump@hotmail.com

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