I am once again participating in the Midwest Pages to Prisoners Project’s annual Bowl-A-Thon fundraising event. In this event, pages volunteers bowl and get sponsors to donate fixed amounts or based on their bowling score! Please consider sponsoring me for this event. To sponsor me you can use the online donation form at http://www.terrorware.com/tools/bowlathon (donations will be collected via PayPal), or speak with me in person.
The Midwest Pages to Prisoners Project is a project that I have volunteered with for a number of years. Simply put, the project sends free reading materials to people who are in prison or jail. These books are important to the recipients because many don’t have access to prison libraries or can’t afford to order books elsewhere. Books are requested for a variety of reasons ranging from self-education to supplementing institutional education programs to religious study to pleasure reading. In addition to providing a nice service to people, the act of sending books and letters helps to create a dialog or connection between people with very different life experiences and backgrounds. For more information about the project, see the project’s website at pagestoprisoners.org or contact midwestpagestoprisoners@yahoo.com.
The Bowl-A-Thon event is this coming Saturday April 28, but donations can be made until May 5.
Important notes about donating:
- All pledges above $10 are tax deductible. If you would like your donation to be tax deductible, let me know and I will provide you with a form.
- There is no minimum pledge and you can help without giving money. If you can’t afford to make a monetary donation, please consider donating books, packing materials, or your volunteer time to the project. Contact midwestpagestoprisoners@yahoo.com for details.
- You can donate in two ways
- Per point. If you pledge 10 cents a point and the person you’re sponsoring has a final score is 76, they will owe $7.60.
- Flat rate. You agree to donate a fixed amount independent of the person you sponsor’s score.