Boxcar Books + Midwest Pages to Prisoners Project Expansion

Boxcar Books is a not-for-profit bookstore that means a lot to many in the Bloomington community, the place where some members of Defiance, Ohio live. From time to time, I volunteer there, we’ve played there, Ryan and Sherri have had art shows there. The Midwest Pages to Prisoners Project is a program that sends free books to incarcerated people throughout the midwest and the US. If your local community has similar organizations, they might need your support, but if you can help out Boxcar or the MWPPP, that would be awesome.


First, the volunteers at Boxcar Books and the Midwest Pages to Prisoners Project want to thank you for all the support that you have given us for the last three and a half years. We could not do the work that we do if it were not for the patronage, donations, and funding that we have received from conscious citizens like you. You have not let us down and we hope that we have not let you down by striving to maintain our position as not only a great bookstore where you can get information that you may not find anywhere else, but a community center where people are free to express themselves and organize with the intention of making the Bloomington community a more progressive and forward thinking place to live.

We are pleased to announce that Boxcar Books and the Midwest Pages to Prisoners Project will be expanding within the next month!

We will be taking over the space next door, 312 S. Washington St. (formerly the Bellevue Gallery – congrats to Bloomington Playwrights Project on their move to 9th St.!). This expansion will give us more room for our ever-growing and diversifying inventory, a less-crowded and nicer meeting space, room for events, and much-needed space
for Pages to Prisoners!

To do all of this, we need the support from our community. To make this expansion a successful one, we need help with the funding of many obligations including:

Boxcar Books Expansion Expenses:

  • fifteen bookshelves at $50 each – $750
  • three new magazine/zine racks at $200 each – $600
  • misc. furniture – approx. $100
  • desk for new office – $100
  • computer for office – $400
  • lighting – $300
  • ordering inventory to fill new shelves – approx. $1000
  • increase in rent – $625/month
  • increase in bills – approx. $250/month

total (for the first month): $4125

Pages to Prisoners Expansion Expenses:

  • seven bookshelves at $50 ea. – $350
  • misc. furniture – approx. $200
  • increased postage, packaging supply, book, and photocopy costs – approx. $300/month

total (for the first month): $850

Shared Expansion Expenses:

  • four folding tables at $125 ea. – $500
  • 32 folding chairs $25 ea. – $800
  • lighting – $300
  • paint – $50

total: $1650


We hope that you will be able to support your community bookstore as we undertake this monumental step. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at the
phone number or email address below.

Boxcar Books is a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation. Your donation is tax deductible. Donations can be made three ways:

  • Send in a check or money order along with your name, address, and email address to Boxcar Books Attn: Expansion.
  • Credit card donations can be made over the phone. Just call 812-339-8710 and give the volunteer your credit card number and the amount you would like to donate!
  • You can also donate by sending PayPal funds to donationsatboxcarbooksdotorg  (donationsatboxcarbooksdotorg)  , or by simply clicking on this link.

Be sure to let us know if you will need a receipt for tax purposes. Your donation will be appreciated at any time, but would be most useful for the expansion if sent on or before November 15! Thank you again for your support!

-The Volunteers at Boxcar Books and The Midwest Pages to Prisoners Project

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