I just finished a redesign of the Defiance, Ohio website. I’m excited because I got to learn some new things about XHTML, Javascript, and CSS. I authored the site using free software tools like Vim, Template Toolkit, GIMP, and Inkscape. You should check out that software if you’re a computer user interested in using cool software that’s developed with more ethics than most commercial software. I’m also excited because I wrote some PHP code to load random links to friends’ websites from the RSS feed of my bookmarks. For those who don’t care about all those internals, I hope you like the way the site looks. Right now, it has mostly the same content as the old site, but I’m working on updating the bittorrent streams, photos, audio downloads, and updating the thanks page. Working on this website was fun because I got to have laptop parties with Erin Tobey while she worked on a redesign for the Bakery Outlet Records website.


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