thanks to everyone who came out to the babe in the woods/smut/justin handsome show. in particular thanks to dave, grant, eric, etc. for letting us do the show in their living room, matt and whoever else sat in front of will’s drums, and jimmy for being a good sport about the hardcore band.
our hardcore band, total turri (= defiance, ohio – bz + chad playing songs about jimmy turri), played and we got everybody to move to different sides of the room based on whether they preferred won gei or #1 chinese. it was awesome.
i had an amazing time playing defiance, ohio songs too and was really overwhelmed at how supportive everybody has been. i was a little scared though, because when people started stomping their feet the floor started shaking so much that i thought it would cave in.
oh yeah, smut, babe in the woods, and justin handsome were all awesome.