On March 26, 2005, I am bowling in a bowl-a-thon to help raise funds to send free books to people in prisoners as part of the Midwest Pagest To Prisoners Project. The Midwest Pages To Prisoners Project is a non-profit organization that promotes and supports the self-education of prisoners.

It’s an important project for me because, even if our actions don’t permanently change the prison-industrial complex, they can make an immediate and important difference in the life of one person. Think about how much it means to you when a friend gives you a book to read! Educational resources in many prisons are sorely lacking and programs such as this may be one of the few resources available to many prisoners. I feel like access to information and knowledge is a basic human right whether someone is imprisoned or not, and that efforts to help people have access to reading material, whether it’s for education or pleasure is a big social priority. You may feel like people in prison are there for a reason and should be punished and don’t deserve things like free boooks. To this, I guess I would say that I learned as much about ethics, morality, and considering the consequences of my actions from books as I did from my upbringing or school. So, I guess I don’t see how depriving people in prison of literature and educational material would make sense, even if you believe in a punitive prison system.

If you would like to sponser me using PayPal, please use the web form at geoff.terrorware.com. All donations are tax-deductible and proper documentation will be provided after donations are collected. All donations are due by April 9, 2005.

I will be bowling one game, and there are three ways that you can make a pledge:

  1. Pledge per pin (example: I’ll give you 10 cents a pin, so if you knock 76 down, I’ll pay $7.60) ($5.00 minimum)
  2. Pledge per point (example: I’ll give you 10 cents a point, so if you bowl a 231. I’ll pay $23.10)
  3. Pay a flat rate (example: I’ll give you $20 no matter what you bowl) ($5.00 minimum)

Again, to sponsor me bowling using PayPal, use the form at geoff.terrorware.com.


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