in like 30 minutes we’re hitting the road for summer tour along with matty pop chart and theo zumm for the first show tomorrow in allentown. it’s going to be great. check out the dates to the right under “upcoming shows.” today we all played acoustically at an organic farmer’s market at this upscale vegan restaurant and in return they fed us some amazing gourmet food (risotto with smoked tofu – yum!). thanks to them for the food and for having us. thanks also to are you fucking serious, triple eagle, madeline, alex, and here there far and few (justin) for playing the show on tuesday which was amazing. all the kids drove from out town and who biked in from around columbus, you made it a great time. finally thanks to kane for helping us out with photocopies like it was ’96 and to tim for holding down the fort. we’ll see you on the road.



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