i saw some friends of ours from athens, oh at the ill-fated against me! show in cleveland (where against me had to stop playing because the floor was caving in from all the kids jumping and dancing and having a good time and being a lot of people) and they told me about an action camp on june 16-23 in southeastern ohio. according to the group’s website at http://www.athenscommons.org/actioncamp/, the purpose of the camp is:
-Strengthen existing forest protection campaigns in the Midwest and the Eastern regions of North America.
-Encourage new forest protection campaigns and sharing of resources inter-region.
-Discuss ways to effectively utilizing nonviolent direct actions to protect our forests.
-Train activists to effectively use many of the tools available for forest protection
-Strengthen the networks between Eastern and Midwest forest protection groups and individuals.
-Re-energize our commitment to the long haul of creating sustainable social change.
so if learning new tactics for protecting forests in beautiful southeastern ohio or in your neck of the increasingly ravaged woods is of interest to you, you might want to check this out.