we’re playing two benefits in the month of february.

the first is in athens, oh on February 6th and it’s a benefit for Protecting Ohio’s Public Land, Air and Rivers (POPLAR), “a non-heirachical group that is currently working to stop logging on the wayne national forest and mining under Dysart Woods”.

the second show is a benefit for amnesty international where proceeds will go to AIDS Taskforce Columbus and AIDS relief programs in Africa. it’s at bernies on valentines day, february 14th. the theme for this show will besuperheros (the term superhero hodown has been thrown around by ryan). there will be costumes. there will be mayhem. there will be JONNY HERO FIGHTING JONNY HANDSOME IN A FURIOUS CLASH OF TITANS. and the academics ( jason keiber and charlie umland’s band) is playing too which makes me excited. for more info contact kate (



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